
Term 2

Our Term 2 Genre focus for Reading and Writing is Persuasive Text. We’ll be exploring loads of different topics and linking some of these to our Unit of Inquiry.

All students have been assessed in spelling and are currently working at their point of need. This has been incorporated into their weekly homework tasks.

Term 1

In term one, our focus for reading is to have all students engaged and reading 5 times weekly for a minimum of 15minutes a session. As such, we have tried to get students into positive reading habits from the very start of the year.  I trust your child has been bringing home ‘good fit’ books to read, or is reading favourites from their own book shelf.

Don’t forget that children have a great deal to gain from hearing good literature. They are not too old for you to read to them. Freed up from the demands of decoding, children can think more deeply about texts, make connections and expand their vocabulary in ways that are less likely to happen when reading their own books.

In class, we are introducing the strategies that ‘good readers’ use when reading successfully. We aim to provide language for teaching readers how to focus or expand their thinking through talk and writing before, during, and after reading. The goal is to help students think in three broad ways.

1. Thinking Within the Text

Noticing and using the information that is directly stated in the text

2. Thinking Beyond the Text

Noticing what is implied, not explicitly stated

3. Thinking About the Text

Analysing the writer’s craft and thinking critically about the whole text.

In Writing this term, students will focus on the genres of Memoir and Persuasive text. Students and teacher will work collaboratively to construct a rubric from which they will identify what they need to learn, set goals and work towards improving their writing craft.

Teachers are currently very busy assessing your child’s spelling ability and will tailor a program that is suitable to move them forward. You will soon receive a detailed letter outlining the spelling homework procedures.

Overall, our main goal is for your child to really love reading and writing, and we hope you will encourage them by sharing your passion for literature at home.

Happy Reading and Writing,

Middles Team

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